Activités en extérieur


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ROUVY uniquely combines Outdoor and Indoor rides in the ROUVY Career feature.
You can import your Outdoor rides from GARMIN Connect and STRAVA to count them for your ROUVY Career’s progression.

By uploading your rides you can collect Experience points to unlock new ROUVY Career levels and reward yourself.
All your activities are in one place on the ROUVY website.

Get ready for your outdoor experience with ROUVY and ride outside because nothing is better than sunny weather and fresh air. 
We want you to be rewarded for your outdoor efforts too.

Where Can I Find My Outdoor Activities?

All your outdoor activities will listed in the activities section in your ROUVY profile.

To see them, 

  • log in to your profile on;
  • scroll down on the homepage to see both your indoor and outdoor activities;
  • click on all activities to see the full list;

riders.rouvy.com_ (2).png


How to Start Uploading Your Activities?

To start uploading your outdoor rides you'll need your ROUVY App as well as Garmin device and STRAVA app.

Here are the detailed instructions on how to connect GARMIN and how to connect STRAVA.

There is no difference between your outdoor and indoor XP points, this feature will allow you to add your outdoor ride to your ROUVY Career forever.

Achievements will be part of it too. You will see them in the App. No matter if you ride the same outdoor route multiple times - you will get your reward.

You will get XP points only on trial period or if you have a ROUVY subscription.
If you end your subscription, your XP points remain. This feature will work forever.



If you upload your Outdoor ride data manually, you will not get any XP points.
The only way is to set up the AUTOMATIC synchronization!

To successfully upload ACTIVITIES, the ACTIVITY must be PUBLIC!


How to Set up an Automatic Connection of the Apps

You need to be an active subscriber and set up connections with Garmin Connect and STRAVA (for now only these two options are available). 

The synchronization must be set to AUTO.

To check your synchronizations

  • log in to your profile on;
  • in the top-right corner menu choose Account;

Screenshot 2024-05-27 at 18.00.32.png


  • scroll down and click on Connected Apps;

Screenshot 2024-05-27 at 18.02.09.png


  • this will take you to the connected apps' settings page where you need to check that the slider is set to Auto;

Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 12.48.51.png


Troubleshooting: Why the Activity is Not Counted?

In the following cases, Outdoor rides will not be counted for the ROUVY Career.

  • Activities before the release of the feature will not be added.
  • Imported activity is older than 14 days.
  • Multiple parallel activities have been imported.
  • The activity exceeds the 1650 Vm/h limit.
  • The average speed is too high.
  • The average speed is less than 8 km/h.
  • You don't have an active subscription plan and you are not in the trial period.

We hope to include connections to more brands/apps, so stay tuned!


For more help, please feel free to contact us.

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