Cómo usar el Apple Watch para medir la frecuencia cardíaca


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ROUVY does not communicate directly with the Apple watch, it uses a third-party app called HeartCast.

To connect your Apple Watch to the ROUVY app, you need:

  • to have an iPhone to run the HeartCast App on;
  • to download and install the HeartCast to your iPhone;
  • then follow the HeartCast app instructions to pair your Apple Watch with it.

This transmits heart rate from your Apple Watch via a Bluetooth channel from your iPhone.

  • Then open the ROUVY App on the device you want to use for cycling;
  • click on the heart icon in the top-right corner to add a heart sensor.

Screenshot 2024-06-17 at 15.44.36.png


  • click on the Add sensor button in the Heart Rate section;

Screenshot 2024-06-17 at 15.45.40.png

  • the app will be searching for the device, click on the HeartCast option to connect.

image (19).png

That is it. Now your Apple watch works as a heart monitor.


Connect your watch to the device you want to run the ROUVY App on - the one connected to your trainer.


For more help, please feel free to contact us.

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